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PEP Test to be administered on June 9 will be for free - DepEd

PEP Test to be administered on June 9 will be for free - DepEd

The Department of Education (DepEd) has officially announced the administration of the 2019 Special Philippine Educational Placement Test (PEPT) this June 9 in schools division nationwide which will be free of charge.
In DepEd Memorandum No. 48 series of 2019 signed by Education Secretary Leonor Briones released to all undersecretaries, assistant secretaries, bureau and service directors, regional directors, schools division superintendents, and heads of public and private elementary and secondary schools, the department announced that the administration of the Special PEPT will be in “commemoration of the 121st Philippine Independence Day.”

The 2019 Special PEPT, Briones said in the memo, will be administered by DepEd through the Bureau of Education Assessment (BEA), together with the assistance of personnel from schools division offices (SDOs) and schools. The registration started last March 1. The Division Testing Coordinators (DTCs) were also directed to submit the actual number of registrants to BEA on or before April 30.


Administration of the 2019 Special Philippine Educational Placement Test

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